Today’s helping is a bit different from the usual Friday night fare. So sorry. No K-pop this week. I’m sure I’ll be back down that rabbit hole soon, but in the meantime, this beautiful dance film came across my dash and stopped me dead in my tracks. Yes, you read that right. Another dance film. I know there’s been a lot of them lately, but I can’t help it. YouTube’s algorithm has got me figured out. Case in point: BLINK by LA Contemporary Dance.
Not only is this piece a stunning work of movement and choreography, but it is also technically astonishing. It was filmed in one take, in what looks like a barely lit warehouse, and the result is mesmerizing. Dancers move in and out of the light as the camera swirls around them, and it’s all underscored by a gorgeous piece of music. These elements all work perfectly together, and I absolutely love it.
So happy Friday all! I know I usually say I’m going to dance my way into the weekend, and I still will. It’s just going to look a bit different this week.
Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!