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What is The Daily Hart?

The Daily Hart is a project that was inspired by the realization that I am never more happy than when I’m experiencing art. It doesn’t matter what type of art. Whether I’m watching a movie, reading a book, listening to music, or looking at a painting, these moments are by far the ones that bring me the most joy. And with this realization, I decided to embark on a project that would bring more art, and therefore more joy, into my life.

The original Daily Hart challenge was a year-long discovery of new art and artists. I challenged myself to experience a new work of art by an artist who was new to me, every single day for a year. What followed was one of the most incredible and enlightening years of my life. I never could have imagined everything I learned and discovered as a result of a simple art challenge, and when the year was over, I knew that the Daily Hart had to continue. And continue it has.

Every year, I set myself a new, year-long challenge. I outline the rules and parameters, as well as a posting schedule, because I know myself well enough to know that I will never get anything done if I don’t set deadlines for myself. And at the end of the year, I look back on all that I have experienced, discovered, and learned, and then decide on the next year’s challenge. If you would like to follow me on this journey, you can do so on Facebook or Instagram, or subscribe below to receive my latest posts directly in your inbox.

I first started this project because life is too short to shy away from what brings you happiness and joy. I hope I will never stop finding joy in art, and therefore I hope that this project will continue for many years to come. If you have suggestions for art and artists I should check out, please let me know. Otherwise, I hope this inspires you to seek out more art in your life, or whatever else brings you joy.