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Daily Helping for October 24th, 2020 – Sylvie Morel

A photo of Slyvie Morel from the temporary exhibit I visited.

When I first conceived of the Daily Hart, I was worried that I would have trouble finding new art every day, specifically from new artists. I hesitated for quite some time over that rule, but in the end, I decided that a challenge is supposed to be just that. A challenge. The whole point was to discover new artists, so that’s what I was going to do. Even if it was difficult. Turns out, those fears were completely unfounded. I’m less than two weeks in, and I’m already discovering that art is really easy to come by. So long as you have your eyes and ears open. Today’s helping is proof of that. I walked into a tourism office looking for help finding a cab. I left having discovered a new painter by the name of Sylvie Morel.

I know tourism offices aren’t usually associated with art galleries, but this one was hosting a temporary exhibit of Morel’s work. Unfortunately for you, I don’t have any photos of the paintings to share. All the work on display was for sale, and I didn’t feel right taking pictures without buying anything. Maybe that’s allowed, but I haven’t been to enough art galleries to know the proper etiquette. My hesitance was also spurred by the fact that Sylvie Morel was actually there in person, and I didn’t want to be rude. So you’ll just have to trust me that the paintings were lovely, and someday I hope I can be a serious buyer. Until then, I’ll just look and enjoy.

Also, in case you were wondering, I didn’t talk to the artist while visiting the exhibit. I wanted to, but didn’t know what to say. I don’t really know much about the actual craft of painting, and I wanted to say more than a simple, “I like your work.” So I chickened out. But after I left, I remembered that the point of the Daily Hart is not only to discover more artists, but to learn more about art in general. So I made the resolution that the next time I was in the presence of the artist, I would talk to them. Ask them questions. Say “I like your work” at the very least. I’ll keep you posted on how this resolution goes.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!