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Daily Helping for October 25th, 2020 – Raye Zaragoza – Fight for You

A photo still of Raye Zaragoza from the music video of Fight for You

I’ve been thinking a lot about advocacy and activism this year. I’ve been reading, listening, and learning. Last week, I watched a panel on Global LGBTQ Advocacy as part of the NewFest Film Festival, and the panelists kept coming back to the idea that advocacy is a global fight. That no one is free until we’re all free. And if you happen to have won the geographical lottery, it’s your responsibility to fight for those who didn’t. A daunting prospect for sure, but an important one. And then, proving that Google’s algorithm really does rule the world, I opened YouTube and landed on this video by Raye Zaragoza.

I had never heard of this artist before, but I will be listening to this song until the end of my days. I will absolutely be looking up the rest of her work as well, but for right now, these lyrics were the words I needed to hear. I’m trying to be a better ally and advocate, but the enormity of the inequality and suffering in this world can be overwhelming at times. When it comes down to it, what can I, one person, do to make things better for people living oceans and continents away?

Take my hand and we’ll see this through

Fight for me, I’ll fight for you

And there it was. It’s so simple. Everyone has to do their part, but we’re not in this alone. And standing together will change the world a lot faster than standing alone. I don’t know how to fix the world, but I do know that it begins with standing up for what’s right. It’s just nice to have a reminder that there will be others standing beside me. And if I forget that, I have Raye Zaragoza to remind me.

Also, this song is catchy as hell. Seriously. Listen a couple of times to let the lyrics really sink in, then dance away.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!