As this challenge continues, it’s been interesting to discover what art mediums I tend to gravitate towards when it comes time to find each day’s Daily Hart. And more and more, I find myself seeking out dance. I’m not entirely sure why, as dance has never been my favourite art medium in the past. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved it. But I’ve seen far more movies and read far more books in my lifetime than I’ve watched dance numbers. And yet now I can’t get enough. Today’s helping came from searching for contemporary ballet, and the result was this piece by dancers Laura Morera and Eric Underwood. In a word, it’s simply stunning.
I know I’ve said this before, but I will never stop being amazed at the control dancers have over their bodies. This piece takes this to the extreme, as every single movement is precise, focused, and exact. Both Laura Morera and Eric Underwood have a complete mastery of their bodies, and it is extraordinary to watch. I can’t think of a single athletic performance that is this on point. Every single minute movement is on purpose, and it is breathtakingly beautiful.
I also need to give a shout out to whoever did the orchestrations of the music. I would never have pegged “The Hardest Button to Button” by The White Stripes as a good song for a ballet number, but it’s perfect. Basically, there’s nothing about this video that I didn’t love.
Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!