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Daily Helping for September 13th, 2021 – Biruta Baumane – Group Portrait

An image of the painting Group Portrait by Biruta Baumane. Five people, four men and one woman, are standing in a street at night, looking directly at the viewer.

Today’s daily helping is once again entirely the result of me looking at a map and picking a country at random. Which is how I discovered Latvian painter Biruta Baumane and this gorgeous painting titled Group Portrait. There is something about the woman’s expression that is haunting, and I love the shock of pink right in the middle of the frame. I also love the blending of colours throughout the rest of the painting. With the exception of the pink scarf, everything is multi-toned, giving the image a slightly surreal vibe. And I love it.

This painting is currently on display at the Latvian National Museum of Art, along with several other pieces by Biruta Baumane. I think a trip to Latvia just may well be in my future…

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!