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Daily Helping for September 14th, 2021 – Besieged Bread

A photo still from the short film Besieged Bread. A woman and man are sitting under a tree, sharing a piece of bread.

There seems to be an unending well of stories to tell about war. And yet, in the end, they all seem to be saying the same thing. When war comes, the innocent will suffer and struggle to survive. The fighters will face increasingly complicated shades of grey. And in and amongst all the trauma, moments of humanity are still possible. Besieged Bread is a short film that encompasses all of this and more. But it is also a quiet film. A small film. It shows what happens when a woman trying to smuggle bread across a besieged area crosses paths with an army deserter. It is neither grand in its scope nor subtle in its telling. And while it is just one story of the ongoing Syrian war, it manages to feel universal.

I must admit that I never know exactly what to feel after watching films like this. It’s always a strange mix of horrified and hopeful. Because while it may seem strange, I do find these films hopeful. That even under the most extreme of circumstances, people are still able to connect and treat each other with dignity. Even if only one on one. Imagine what would happen if we could harness that on a global scale.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!