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A photo of Zapin Tenglu dancers mid-performance and in costume onstage.

Daily Helping for February 20th, 2023 – Zapin Tenglu

A big part of why I do The Daily Hart is to learn about art and culture from around the world. I love art and I love learning, so there’s nothing I love more than learning about art. But what this often means is that I find something online, usually in the form of a video, and while I immediately fall in love with what I’m watching, I have no idea what it actually is. I then have to turn to Google to fill in the blanks and hope what I find is correct.

So with that in mind, I want to give a shout out to the person who posted this video of a Malaysian folk dance on YouTube. Not only is the title the perfect blend of enthusiasm and clickbait, but the description also provides all of the basic context for what I’m watching. Which is amazing, because I certainly had never heard of Zapin Tenglu dancing before watching this video. But I hope to be in the audience for a performance someday soon, because clearly this audience was having a grand old time.

One last note. The image above is not from the video, but rather from a generic image search of Zapin Tenglu. This video may have a great title and summary, but the image quality is rather lacking.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!