Well, it’s Friday again. It’s been another long week with a ridiculously long to do list, and all I can say is that I am very much looking forward to the weekend. And speaking of which, it occurred to me this week that after all the rave reviews for his recent Super Bowl halftime performance, I still have never listened to The Weekend. If you’re in any way shocked by this, I don’t know why. I have established many times how deeply uncool I am. But I digress. It’s the weekend, so I decided it was time to check out The Weekend. Because yes. Incredibly laboured puns is all my brain can produce at the moment.
I will admit that I didn’t do an extensive search into his back catalogue of songs. I basically looked up his most recent single and landed on “Save Your Tears“. Full disclosure, I love the song, but I have no idea what is going on in this music video. A quick scan of Wikipedia indicates that it’s part of a larger narrative within his music videos, but to be honest, I’m too tired at the moment to look into it further. But I will at a later date, because even if I didn’t understand the video, I love the theatricality of it. In the meantime, this is my Friday song. The Weekend, helping me dance my way into the weekend. Don’t worry. I can hear your groans from here.
Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!