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A photo still from Viribus Unites by Renata Araújo. Six dancers, all in black, are standing in a line, mid-performance onstage.

Daily Helping for August 23rd, 2023 – Viribus Unites – Renata Araújo

And I’m back to watching dance pieces on YouTube once again. I really can’t help myself. Especially not when I find beautiful pieces like this one. The group and choreographer are new to me, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard this song before. I distinctly remember thinking to myself at some point, “Wow. This is a beautiful song”, and my opinion hasn’t changed since then. It’s still a beautiful song. The choreography by Renata Araújo is beautiful as well. Love this!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!