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Daily Helping for December 26th, 2020 – Madison Malone – Foxes

A photo still from the music video Foxes of Madison Malone running from the camera through a field.

How’s everyone doing today? How’s the turkey comas? Anyone a wee bit hungover? Just me then? I don’t know about you, but for me, Boxing Day has always been a day to just sit around and do nothing. A day to recover from the celebrations of the past couple of days. A day to think about cleaning up the chaos those celebrations left behind, but then discarding those thoughts in favour of sitting on the couch eating leftovers and watching movies. Personally, I’m going to keep that grand tradition alive this year, but not before listening to some music first. “Foxes” by Madison Malone fits the bill perfectly. It’s light and whimsical, breathy and buoyant. And the video features some beautiful dancers. It’s exactly what I’m looking for as I cuddle up on the couch.

Happy Boxing Day everyone, and if that’s not a thing in your part of the world, Happy Saturday! I hope it’s a great start to the weekend.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!