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A photo still of a dance piece by Kim Jiwoo. It shows one dancer in white with a spotlight on him standing to the right, and a group of dancers in brown on the left all looking towards the dancer in white.

Daily Helping for June 15th, 2023 – Kim Jiwoo

Normally I try and feature complete works of art for these daily helpings. In fact, it’s one of my rules. But I’m making an exception for today because this clip has really piqued my interest. It’s less than two minutes long, and yet there’s so much going on here. And I very much want to know more. Through the magic of Google Translate, I know that the choreographer is Kim Jiwoo and that this piece was presented as part of the Goyang International Dance Festival. But beyond that, I wasn’t able to find much more information about this clip. If anyone has any leads on how to watch the full performance, I’m all ears.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!