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A production photo of Moving Us/Dying Message by Hojeong Choi. Seven performers are standing in a line on a black stage, their hands raised at various levels as they all strike a pose.

Daily Helping for August 21st, 2023 – Hojeong Choi – Moving Us/Dying Message

I know I said yesterday that I couldn’t imagine going back to watching dance on YouTube after watching Pina Bausch’s The Rites of Spring performed live. But here’s the thing. World class dance companies and performers are not exactly a dime a dozen. Meaning if I want to keep enjoying amazing dance pieces on the regular, YouTube is going to have to be my friend. As it was today when it sent me this incredible piece by Hojeong Choi. At least I think that’s who the artist is. It’s what Google Translate says, so hopefully that’s correct. And if not, someone please enlighten me as to who the correct artists are behind this piece, because I love it and I want to see more of their work.

Happy Monday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!