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Daily Helping for December 19th, 2020 – Dzvenyslava Valaga – Finger Painting Ocean Waves

A photo of Dzvenyslava Valaga in front of her canvas in the process of creating a painting of ocean waves with her fingers.

It’s been a long time since I could go to a museum or gallery to see art in person. I can’t wait until cultural spaces reopen, but this morning I couldn’t wait any longer to see some visual art. Even in digital form. That’s because I woke up with a craving to look at a painting (yes, I am well aware that that’s a weird craving to have), and during my search, I stumbled upon this video of a finger painting of ocean waves. Yes, finger painting. It’s not just for pre-school… I have now learned.

The video itself is a beautiful time lapse of artist Dzvenyslava Valaga as she builds the many layers of paint needed to create her ocean scene. It’s a process that takes several days and far more layers than I would have guessed, but the end result is beautiful. I particularly enjoyed the close ups of the crests of the waves. Specifically, I love how she uses her fingers to create depth and dimension with the oil paints. I’m the type of person who struggles to draw stick figures, so I’m always in awe of people who can create these beautiful images out of thin air. Especially with just their fingers.

This video is also underscored with some lovely, calming music, making the whole experience delightfully mesmerizing. In short, the perfect thing to watch on a lazy Saturday.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!