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A profile photo of Carol Ann Duffy looking straight into the camera.

Daily Helping for January 10th, 2023 – Carol Ann Duffy – Deportation

Today’s daily helping is another searing poem by a poet who has a beautiful way with words. “Deportation” by Carol Ann Duffy is told from the perspective of an immigrant who is being deported from an unnamed country. It is once again a short poem, but it effortlessly captures an astonishing range of emotions, including both the bitterness and the heartbreak of the situation. It also perfectly encapsulates the dehumanizing effect of how reductive immigration processes can be. Something I know all too well, even as an immigrant of choice, not of circumstance.

Based on this one poem alone, I can’t wait to read more of Carol Ann Duffy’s work.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!