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A photo still from a performance by Ballet Arumbaya Ndendeli. Several men are playing instruments on the right side of the stage, while four women dance in a line on the left side of the stage.

Daily Helping for October 26th, 2023 – Ballet Arumbaya Ndendeli

One of the many things that I love about the Daily Hart is how this challenge gives me the opportunity to constantly check my cultural biases. Today’s daily helping is the perfect example of this. Ballet Arumbaya Ndendeli is a Congolese dance company, and I have to admit that I was initially thrown by the word “Ballet” in their name. When I think of ballet, I think of women in tutus and men in impossibly tight tights. I think of Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. In other words, a very western notion of ballet.

But then I watch this video and I realize that ballet can be so much more than that. The dancing in this video is electric and beautiful. It’s filled with joy and sensuality, and it’s riveting to watch. I would have never pictured this when I heard the word “ballet” before today, but now I will, thanks to Ballet Arumbaya Ndendeli. And I love that.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!