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A profile photo of Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva. She is wearing a scarf on her head, is turned to the right, and is holding her left arm up above her head.

Daily Helping for November 20th, 2023 – Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva – Farkhor

At the outset of this year’s challenge, I set an ambitious goal of featuring artists from 100 different countries. And a year later, just under the wire, I’ve reached that goal! Today’s daily helping is Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva, a singer from Tajikistan, which is a country I must admit I had never heard of until now. But that’s the great thing about The Daily Hart. I’m constantly learning. So today I learned about Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva, listened to the Tajiki language for the first time, and celebrated my 100th featured country in this year’s challenge. What a great way to start the week.

Happy Monday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!