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Daily Helping for March 17th, 2021 – WiNDUP

An animated still from the short film WiNDUP, showing the young daughter in a red sweater, staring excitedly just off camera.

It’s been awhile since an animated short film made me cry, so of course I had to break that streak. Not that I was planning on it. This film opens with the scene pictured above, where a little girl is playing hide and seek with her father. He uses a wind-up toy to aid her in her search, eventually humming a song to guide her to his hiding place. It’s fun and adorable and I thought all was well. But then the scene shifts and we find ourselves in a hospital room. The little girl is the patient in the bed and the father is at her side, and all I could think was, “Oh no.”

I won’t give away more of the plot, but I will say that WiNDUP has a happy ending. That being said, it definitely was an emotional ride to get there. I remember hearing once, in regards to when children are in the hospital, that the kids may be sick, but it is the parents who are dying. I’m not a parent myself, but I can only imagine that that is true. What that experience must be like. WiNDUP is a beautiful examination of that journey. Just make sure you have some tissues handy.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!