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A photo still from the short film Warsha. The photo is of Mohammad walking across a metal bridge, his back to the camera, and the city of Beirut in the distance.

Daily Helping for November 11th, 2022 – Dania Bdeir – Warsha

I loved every second of this short film by Dania Bdeir. Warsha tells the story of a Syrian immigrant worker in Lebanon. Mohammad works as a crane operator in Beirut, and one day he volunteers to work the most dangerous crane on the construction site. My heart was in my throat watching him ascend to the operator’s box, but once he’s there, the film really comes alive. Because high above the city, away from prying eyes, Mohammad is finally free to be himself. And it is breathtakingly beautiful to behold.

I love this film because it has so much to say in such a short run time. Warsha is powerful and beautiful and a gorgeous reminder that queer stories truly can be found anywhere. Absolutely loved this one.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!