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Daily Helping for May 1st, 2021 – Tiana Major9 – Think About You

A close up promotional photo of Tiana Major9. She is smiling with her eyes closed.

Tiana Major9 is one of those artists I’ve heard a lot about this past year, but somehow I’ve never sat down and listened to one of her songs. Well, that ends today. This rendition of “Think About You” came across my dash, and I was blown away by the beautiful simplicity of it. I’m not familiar with the 1 Mic 1 Take series, but I love the concept. Just a singer and a mic, doing what they do best, meaning the vocals are front and centre. In the case of Tiana Major9, that can only be a good thing. Her voice is soulful and layered, and doesn’t need any fancy sound mixing to shine. I’m sure there’s a slickly produced music video for this song somewhere out there, but I’m good with this version. It’s beautiful all on its own.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!