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A promotional photo of the cast of Tall Girl, all staring into the camera.

Daily Helping for February 6th, 2023 – Tall Girl

It’s Monday, which means many people will be fighting a case of the Monday blues. Personally, I’ve never really minded Mondays. But if you subscribe to the “Mondays are the worst” philosophy, I have something for you. Tall Girl on Netflix. This movie is supremely silly, filled with over the top teenage angst and every cliche you can think of, and it has one of the most beautifully tender father/daughter scenes I’ve ever seen. Side note. Steve Zahn should be everyone’s dad. But in the end, Tall Girl is exactly the type of ridiculous fluff you need to chase away the Monday blues. You’re welcome.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!