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An illustration by Sirin Thada. It depicts two people, slightly in abstract, with their arms around each other. They appear to be dancing.

Daily Helping for April 27th, 2023 – Sirin Thada

Today’s daily helping is another incredible illustrator that I discovered through the magic of Google. I can’t remember exactly what it was that I searched for, but somehow I landed on the work of Sirin Thada. And I’m delighted that I did, because her work is amazing. I spent a lot of time looking through her portfolio, both her illustrations and fine art, trying to decide on a favourite piece, but I eventually went with the image above. There is just something so beautiful about it. Serene, but also empowering.

I’ve noticed that more and more, publications are commissioning artists to create illustrations for articles instead of using photos, and I love this trend. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to commission someone like Sirin Thada for one of my articles. That would be just grand. Until then, I will remain an admiring fan, content to shout about how great her work is here.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!