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An image of Artemis Rising by Dr. Sian Proctor. It shows a woman astronaut reaching from earth to the moon.

Daily Helping for March 13th, 2023 – Dr. Sian Proctor – Artemis Rising

Did you notice the Dr. in the title of today’s daily helping? That’s because today’s featured artist is not only an artist, she’s an astronaut as well. Yes! Really! Artist and astronaut. And a whole other long list of achievements, including being an outspoken advocate for more diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields. In other words, Dr. Sian Proctor is an incredibly impressive person who I would very much like to meet someday.

But back to today’s daily helping. I discovered Dr. Proctor’s website when I googled “space artists” just out of curiosity as to what I’d find. And while I love all her work (she writes poetry too!), I was particularly taken by Artemis Rising. Probably because today is a Monday, and therefore it’s the start of a new week. And there’s something very inspiring about starting the week with an image of a woman reaching for the moon. It’s definitely something I will carry with me for the rest of this week.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!