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An animated still from the film Period Drama. It shows a young girl reading in bed at night.

Daily Helping for July 10th, 2023 – Period Drama

It’s a Monday. And since people are usually not too happy about it being a Monday, I thought I’d start off the week with a laugh. Enter, Period Drama, a ridiculously hilarious short film about an 11 year old girl getting her period for the first time. It is a delightfully sublime takedown of the absurdity of the taboo nature of this topic, and in just two minutes, manages to get in some pretty pointed commentary about religion and sexuality, gender stereotypes, and childbirth. More importantly, I laughed myself silly throughout this entire film and loved every second of it.

Happy Monday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!