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Daily Helping for May 24th, 2021 – Otoboke Beaver – S’il Vous Plait

Four side by side close up portraits of the four members of Otoboke Beaver.

I somehow managed to both stumble upon this band organically and have them recced to me on the same day. It’s almost as if the universe was trying to tell me something… But seriously. An all female Japanese punk band named Otoboke Beaver? Yes please. They have a song called “S’il vous plait“? Click.

I will be the first to admit that I need to be in a specific mood to enjoy punk music. Late at night when I’m about to go to bed? Not so much. But first thing on a Monday morning? Absolutely. This was exactly the hit of adrenaline that I needed to wake up and get working. Something tells me I’ll be starting Mondays with Otoboke Beaver for the foreseeable future…

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!