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A black and white headshot of Ophelia Dimalanta. She is holding a book and looking straight into the camera.

Daily Helping for December 10th, 2022 – Ophelia Dimalanta – A Kind of Burning

Ophelia Dimalanta is one of the Philippines’ most acclaimed poets. And I can see why based on this one poem alone. In just a few short stanzas, “A Kind of Burning” provides a vivid exploration of the nuances and complexities of love and relationships. About how closeness can sometimes tear you apart. And how love can express itself in many forms, both needed and unexpected. It was a beautiful read for a Saturday morning. In fact, I’m thinking that poetry Saturdays may need to become a thing now.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!