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Daily Helping for April 26th, 2021 – Moranbong Band – Let’s Study

A photo of the five singers of the Moranbong Band, all wearing brightly coloured sequinned dresses, mid-performance, all holding microphones, standing in a line onstage.

I have so many questions about this video. Just… so many questions. But first, what exactly is Moranbong Band? Well, apparently they are an all-female musical group from North Korea. That’s right. North Korea. I thought there was no way for information to get out of that country, and yet this group somehow has their own YouTube channel? However, in reading the description under the video, it sounds like the person uploading this video is not actually associated with the band. Which means they’re probably posting from outside of the country. But if that’s the case, how do they know so much about what’s going on inside of North Korea? And why are they writing the description in English? Again, just so many questions…

That being said, what I have been able to find online says that all members of the Moranbong Band are personally selected by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. And it’s not just the five vocalists pictured above. There are almost a dozen musicians, again all female, who play the music, and apparently this band is incredibly popular in North Korea. This particular song, “Let’s Study”, was a huge hit, and it is all about the importance of acquiring knowledge and studying for your country. I highly recommend turning on the English subtitles while you listen. It’s fascinating reading.

I certainly wasn’t expecting to discover a North Korean band when I went searching for today’s daily helping, but somehow this is where I landed. And I will say this. This song may be pure propaganda, but it sure is catchy as hell.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!