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A black and white photo of the five band members of MIST. They are standing in a line, looking straight into the camera. The word MIST is superimposed in the air above them in a flowing script.

Daily Helping for November 11th, 2023 – MIST – Altar of You

From Chinese pop music to Slovenian death metal, this week’s music is reaching all ends of the spectrum at The Daily Hart. Now, I will be the first to admit that death metal is not my favourite genre of music. In fact, I would say it ranks pretty close to the bottom of my list of preferred musical styles. But it would seem that I’ve been listening to the wrong death metal bands, because I love this song by MIST. Especially the vocals of lead singer Nina Spruk.

I wouldn’t say that I’m suddenly death metal’s biggest fan. But thanks to MIST, I’m definitely a lot more open to exploring more of the genre. Maybe I’ll find more Slovenian bands that I love. Who would have thought?

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!