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A photo of street art by Mauro Neri. The image is of a person looking up, their head next to a window, with the word "Veracidade" written underneath.

Daily Helping for December 20th, 2022 – Mauro Neri

Today’s daily helping is yet another recommendation. And I love it, so please keep those recs coming! Mauro Neri is a Brazilian street artist with three different Instagram handles to showcase his work. Which is amazing, because sadly I’m not going to be in Brazil any time soon to be able to see his work in person. But I will happily admire from afar. Especially if it means I get to see his smaller pieces, like the one above, that I might not otherwise be able to find. His Instagram handles are full of some truly beautiful building-sized murals, but there was something about the simplicity of the face above that caught my eye. It’s not the most intricate image, but it somehow contains so much hope. I love it.

Yesterday I happened upon a beautiful work of street art while I was visiting a friend, and it made me smile knowing that I live in a city that values these works so much. I can only hope that Brazil is the same, and that the works of Mauro Neri will still be available to be seen whenever I finally do make it to that country.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!