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A black and white photo of Marta Roure. She is looking over her shoulder directly into the camera.

Daily Helping for November 8th, 2023 – Insomni by Marta Roure

Today’s daily helping comes from the tiny country of Andorra. And I mean tiny. Did you know that Andorra has a population of only about 80,000 people? I didn’t until about five minutes ago, and to be honest, that stat is kind of blowing my mind. I feel like I’ve been to neighbourhoods within cities that have a higher population than this entire country. But I digress.

One of those 80,000 people is singer Marta Roure, whose song “Insomni” came across my dash this morning. It’s fun and bubbly, and it’s the perfect mid-week jam. It also means I can check off Andorra on my list of countries featured, which is certainly delightful surprise.

Happy Wednesday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!