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Daily Helping for July 25th, 2021 – Marie Bracquemond – Trois femmes aux ombrelles

An image of the painting Trois femmes aux ombrelles by Marie Bracquemond. The painting is three women, two holding umbrellas, looking straight head at the viewer.

Today’s helping came about through similar circumstances as the Michelangelo post. I went to the Musée Jacquemart-André to see the Paul Signac exhibition on post-Impressionism, and because post-Impressionism is one of my favourite art movements, I absolutely loved it. That being said, I wrote down the name of every single artist on display at that exhibition and looked them all up when I got home. And perhaps unsurprisingly, every single one of them was a straight, white, man. Sorry Musée Jacquemart-André, no Daily Hart for you. Even more dispiriting, a quick search of female Impressionists uncovered a virtual treasure trove of artists they could have showcased. Artists like Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, and Lilla Cabot Perry. Which is how I discovered the painting above. Trois femmes aux ombrelles, by Marie Bracquemond.

I absolutely love this painting. I love the colours, I love the structure of the brushstrokes. And I especially love the lighting and how Marie Bracquemond frames her subjects in both light and shadow. But most of all I love the expressions on the three women’s faces. It’s like they know something that we really should know as well, but they have no intention of telling us. There’s a sparkle in their eyes, especially the woman on the left, and I love it.

According to Google, this painting is on display at the Musée D’Orsay, so I will definitely be swinging by for a visit sooner rather than later. At least not all museums have forgotten the contributions of female artists throughout history.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!