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A photo of Laurajane mid-performance on a pole. Her body is horizontal and her legs are outstretched in the splits.

Daily Helping for September 25th, 2023 – Laurajane – Wicked Game Pole Act

Once again I continue to be left dumbfounded by the pole dancing pieces that YouTube sends my way. Everything about this routine by Laurajane is stunningly beautiful. The music (love that cover of “Wicked Game”), the strength on display, the complete command of her movements. All incredible. It’s a wonderfully inspiring way to start the week.

Also, this might just be the stage manager in me coming out, but that pole being unanchored at the top made me nervous the whole time. I’m sure it was solidly anchored at the bottom, but still. I never knew I could have strong feelings about pole fixtures, but here we are.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!