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A photo of a work of hair art by Laetitia Ky. A woman's head is seen at the bottom of the frame, and above her, her hair creates a profile of a woman against a yellow background.

Daily Helping for November 7th, 2023 – Laetitia Ky

Today’s daily helping is a rec that came through with the note, “Have you ever heard of hair art?” The answer to that question was no, I had not heard of hair art. At least, not the type of hair art done by today’s artist, Laetitia Ky. I’ve never seen anything quite like her work. But I spent over an hour looking through her portfolio and marvelling at the pieces she’s created. They’re living statues and incredible works of art, and I love them.

If you had asked me about hair art last week, I would have talked about a dye job I had done years ago that I still maintain was a work of art. But the works of Laetitia Ky are in their own category altogether. They’re simply extraordinary, and I’m so glad that now I know about them.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!