This short film came across my dashboard this morning, and let’s just say I was taken in by the synopsis. “A girl who lives a very ordinary life one day finds a mysterious note with an invitation to go on an adventure. She goes on a treasure hunt where she finds clues that lead her to different places, unraveling a mystery that turns out different than expected.” The Clue promised adventure and mystery, and it did not disappoint.
Now, is this short film profound and game-changing? Absolutely not. Is it sappy and uplifting? Absolutely. And as this winter drags on and we continue to be stuck indoors, it’s nice to dream of having adventures outside once again. Until then, I’ll live vicariously through cute stories like The Clue.
Sidenote: Ignoring the fact that the first mysterious note was somehow placed inside this woman’s home without her knowledge, I love the idea of randomly setting up treasure hunts for people. If I ever become rich and have far too much time on my hands, I’m 100% doing this. Minus the creepy home invasion.
Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!