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An image by Jenny Odell of an airport as seen from a satellite. The ground has been removed, so the terminals and buildings are just surrounded by empty white space.

Daily Helping for June 8th, 2023 – Jenny Odell – Satellite Landscapes

I’ve always been fascinated by the logistics of infrastructure. Probably because I’m the weird person who’s always been fascinated by logistics in general. But there’s something about the architecture of infrastructure in particular that has always captured my eye. Ever since I was a kid and I used to imagine the stories of people who operated bridges and tunnels and factories. Of course, these stories usually involved them actually living on the bridges and having all sorts of fantastical adventures, so these stories bore very little resemblance to real life. But still. It’s something that has always intrigued me. Which is why I was delighted to discover Satellite Landscapes by Jenny Odell. It would seem I’m not the only one fascinated with infrastructure.

These pieces were created by digitally removing the ground from infrastructural sites on Google Maps, and the results are eerily beautiful. There were lots of options to choose from, but I was particularly taken with the image above of an airport. Airports have always fascinated me, mostly because the logistics involved in making them run properly are enormous. To me, the whole process is an art. Apparently Jenny Odell sees it the same way. And I love it.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!