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A photo of an outfit designed by Iris van Herpen. The model is wearing a billowing dress with flared sleeve and a crown on their head.

Daily Helping for October 5th, 2023 – Iris van Herpen

My fashion education continues with a rec that I check out Dutch designer Iris van Herpen. And what a rec! I’ve never seen fashion like this before and I love it. The more I learn about fashion, the more I’m understanding how it’s not just about what you wear. It’s art that you happen to wear, and it’s beautiful. I spent a not insignificant amount of time looking through the work of Iris van Herpen, and I loved every second of it. Her pieces are stunning, and I can’t wait to see more. Because they’re art. Plain and simple.

I’ll be honest. Of all the things I thought I would learn as a result of this challenge, fashion as art was nowhere on that list. But now that I’ve started down this path, all I want to do is learn more. So please, keep those recs coming!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!