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Daily Helping for May 20th, 2021 – H.E.R. – I Can’t Breathe

An illustration of singer H.E.R. holding a sign that says I Can't Breathe.

I’ve been thinking a lot about The Average Black Girl poem that I featured on Tuesday. About how I’m trying to learn and understand better. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I will never fully understand. That’s the thought that has kept with me these past couple of days. Especially while listening to “I Can’t Breathe” by H.E.R. This is a beautiful and important song. And I can recognize its importance as protest and appreciate its beauty as a work of art, but I will never fully understand the experiences behind it. But I can continue to listen and learn, and so that is exactly what I’ll do. Listen and learn, and hopefully do both better.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!