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Daily Helping for September 16th, 2021 – Fish – Nowness

A photo still from the dance film Fish. A man is sitting at a table, a plate of food and a glass of water in front of him, and he's leaning over the food to stare straight into the camera.

Full disclosure. I may have been several drinks in the first time I watched this dance film, and as a result, I had no idea what I had just watched. So I left it for a couple of days before watching it again sober. And if I’m being honest, I still have no idea what this film is trying to say. It’s titled Fish – A Dance Film Exploring the Idea of Mortality, but it’s certainly light on the dance. I’m not really sure where the musing on mortality comes in either. But that’s okay. I don’t have to fully understand a work of art to appreciate it. And this film did have some really cool visuals. Even if I don’t understand what they mean.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!