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A photo of Denise Ho, onstage with blue lights behind her, a guitar slug on her back and a microphone in hand, singing with her face tilted to the sky.

Daily Helping for December 26th, 2022 – Denise Ho – Polar

I only just discovered Denise Ho, despite the fact that she has been a Cantopop superstar for literally decades. But it took me stumbling upon a trailer for the documentary that was released in 2020 about her life, career, and activism for me to stare in awe at her resume. Because she’s not just an entertainer. She is an openly gay, pro-democracy human rights activist in Hong Kong, in addition to being one of Hong Kong’s biggest celebrities of the past 25 years. Which is truly astonishing. I can’t imagine ever having the courage needed to be doing what she’s doing in the current political climate of Hong Kong. But she is. She’s not backing down. Even now. And every time I despair about the future of the world, I think about the courage of people like Denise Ho and it gives me some much needed hope.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!