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A profile photo of Deborah Landau staring straight into the camera.

Daily Helping for April 1st, 2023 – Deborah Landau – The City of Paris has You in Mind Tonight

Not going to lie. I was sorely tempted to write about something truly ridiculous today just for the joy of saying, “April Fools!” But then I happened upon this captivating poem by Deborah Landau and got completely swept up in her descriptions of the city I love so much. She somehow manages to capture the essence of Paris is all its infinite glory. The many contradictions and extremes. The small tableaus of beauty and the shadows hidden in the cracks. I love it.

So no April’s Fool joke for you today. Just a beautiful poem about Paris that made me feel a lot of feels.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!