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An illustration by Cori Lin. It shows a dragon underwater, holding a flag in its mouth that has red writing against a white background.

Daily Helping for April 17th, 2023 – Cori Lin – My Father and the Dragon King

I’m back! Yes, I know it’s been a full week since my last Daily Hart. And let me assure you that that was very much not by design. However, funny story. Turns out, when you’re working your biggest project of the year and your assistant goes down with COVID, the result is that you work 20 hour days. And yes, I do mean that quite literally.

All of this is to say that I moved through this past week in a sleep deprived fugue state, and writing anything halfway coherent was just not going to happen. But the project is now over, I’ve begun the process of catching up on sleep, and The Daily Hart is back! YAY!

In that vein, today’s daily helping is from Cori Lin, an illustrator and designer who specializes in culture-centred storytelling. Her portfolio is incredible in its entirety, but I was particularly drawn to the illustration above that accompanied the deeply felt essay “My Father and the Dragon King“. Both the essay and the illustration are beautiful, and they are the perfect way to restart this year’s challenge. Which is now going to be extended by a week. Because I’m only human, and when you’re working 20 hours a day, you take every bit of sleep you can.

Happy Monday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!