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An image of an artwork by Bui Huu Hung. It shows six women sitting in a line of various ages. Their clothes are black and grey, while the rest of the piece is red.

Daily Helping for May 14th, 2023 – Bui Huu Hung – Ladies on Red Vietnam

Not going to lie. I happened upon this image while searching for another artist entirely, but it was so arresting that it stopped me in my tracks. Ladies on Red Vietnam by Bui Huu Hung. There’s something about these women that makes me want to look at this piece. Something about the range in their expressions and body language. There’s a story behind each woman, but I have no idea what those stories might be. Perhaps that’s part of the appeal. Either way, I love this piece. That’s all I know for certain.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!