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A photo of a Batik canvas, on which an image of a goddess dancing on the waves of the ocean is depicted. The painting uses all the colours of the rainbow, but particularly blue and yellow.

Daily Helping for December 18th, 2022 – Batik Art

Today’s daily helping is Batik art. This is an art form that originally developed in Java, Indonesia, although I happened upon it in a museum in Cambodia. Traditionally, Batik art is a technique where a wax-resisting dye is used to create delicate patterns on cloth, usually on silk or cotton. However, this technique can be applied to painting canvases as well, such as the one pictured above.

I must confess that I was completely enraptured by the artworks that I saw in this gallery. I had never heard of Batik art previously, and so I loved reading about the process of creating it as I took in all of the pieces. There were dozens on display, but the one above was by far my favourite. It just feels so grandiose and mythical, and the colours are so wonderfully vibrant. I wish I could have bought this particular artwork, but sadly I could not. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to take home something similar. Until then, I’ll continue to be grateful to museums for giving me the opportunity to gawk in appreciation.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!