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Daily Helping for March 30th, 2021 – Baroness von Sketch Show – Peak Cute

A photo still of actress Jennifer Whalen from Baroness von Sketch Show, standing in a plain black dress, looking horrified.

Okay, a couple of things you need to know right off the bat. I hate shopping for clothes. I have always hated shopping for clothes, much to my mother’s chagrin. And much to a lot of people’s chagrin, I have never cared one iota about fashion. But all that being said, I laughed so hard at this sketch from the Baroness von Sketch Show. Seriously. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun with a makeover montage.

Also, apparently I have another ten years or so until I hit peak cute, but I think I’m going to go ahead and develop my signature look now. It would be so much easier than trying to put together a new outfit every day.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!