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The promotional image for Asexuality! The Solo Musical. It shows Rebecca McGlynn staring straight into the camera as hands with unseen bodies hold her on the arms and shoulders.

Daily Helping for August 20th, 2023 – Asexuality! The Solo Musical

There are very few things that would make me go see a show at 11pm at night. That is just too late for me. But I knew I was going to see this show as soon as I saw the title. So that’s how I found myself standing in front of a theatre at 10:50pm, wondering how on earth I was going to stay awake for the next hour and a half. Not because I was worried that the show I was about to see was boring. Because 11pm is way too far past my bedtime.

Thankfully, I didn’t need to worry, because Asexuality! The Solo Musical had me hooked from beginning to end. It tells the story of Robert, a pre-transition asexual trying to figure out life in a very sexualized world. It was also a musical, which I will always be here for, and it was both hilarious and heartwarming, as well as sublimely silly and achingly raw. It made me laugh and it made me cry. And it made me think far more than I thought a late night show that features an anthropomorphized penis as a character ever would. Side note. I never knew I needed a show with an anthropomorphized penis as a character in my life, but the things you learn about yourself at the Fringe.

All in all, Asexuality! The Solo Musical was absolutely incredible, and writer/performer Rebecca McGlynn is amazing in it. If you’re in Edinburgh this month, you should definitely check it out. The late start time is worth it, I promise.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!