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Daily Helping for February 1st, 2021 – Anna-Maria Hefele – Polyphonic Overtone Singing

A photo of Anna-Maria Hefele looking straight into the camera, holding her right hand aloft.

So here’s something new for a Monday. Have you ever heard of polyphonic overtone singing? Don’t worry. Neither had I until this morning. But thanks to Anna-Maria Hefele, I now know that overtone singing is when one person sings two notes at the same time. Say what?! I had no idea that that was even possible, but not only is it possible, but the sound it makes is hauntingly beautiful.

I’ll admit that today’s helping is more of a tutorial than artwork, but I don’t care. I’m fascinated by this process and just had to share. I also have a feeling I will be torturing my neighbours for the foreseeable future as I try to master this technique myself. Apologies in advance to anyone in earshot!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!