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Daily Helping for January 4th, 2021 – Latin Pop Star, White Audience – Alternatino

A promotional photo of comedian Arturo Castro in the Latin Pop Star White Audience sketch of Alternatino.

A lot of people are heading back to work and school today, myself included, so to beat back the Monday blues, I decided that comedy was the order of the day. This sketch from the Comedy Central show Alternatino with Arturo Castro is perfect on every level, as it had me howling with laughter. Seriously, it’s just brilliant. And no, I absolutely did not immediately go listen to “Despacito” right after. Not me. No sir…

Bonus: Check out the World’s Worst Translator if you want more of the funny from Alternatino.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!