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A close up photo of Aida Cartagena Portalatin. It is an old photo, so the quality is grainy, but it is a profile of the poet looking straight into the camera.

Daily Helping for July 8th, 2023 – Aida Cartagena Portalatin – A Women is Alone

Once again I’ve ventured into the world of translated poetry. I still don’t know how I feel about it, because poetry is such a language specific medium. But in this case I’ve decided to just go with it, because A Women is Alone by Aida Cartagena Portalatin is a beautiful poem. Even if I’m not reading it in its original form, it’s still beautiful. Specifically, this translation manages to capture a universal weariness of womanhood, no matter how strong your bonds of sisterhood may be. It definitely makes me want to read the rest of Aida Cartagena Portalatin’s work, even translated. She clearly had an elegant way with words.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!