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A promotional photo of Melissa Lee-Houghton. It is a close up in profile of the poet standing against a grey background.

Daily Helping for January 14th, 2023 – Melissa Lee-Houghton – Four Poems

I continue to find poems that are searingly visceral in the images they conjure, and Four Poems by Melissa Lee-Houghton is no exception. As the title would suggest, this piece is actually composed of four separate poems, and each one paints a vivid world. They also don’t hold back in their explorations of intense and often extreme emotions. The stakes are high in all four poems, and reading them feels a bit like careening towards the edge of a cliff. By they are also beautifully written, because once again, Melissa Lee-Houghton is a poet who has an incredible way with words. I can’t wait to read more of her works.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!