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Daily Helping for June 19th, 2021 – Wish You

A promotional photo from the film Wish You of actors Lee Sang and Kang In Soo sitting back to back and smiling off into the distance.

Last weekend I wrote about Your Name Engraved Herein, which I still maintain is one of the more beautiful films I’ve seen all year. But as I said in that daily helping, it wasn’t exactly a happy movie. Today’s helping, however, is the Korean equivalent of a Hallmark movie. So if you’re looking for a cute and adorable and not all that deep movie for a Saturday night, look no further than Wish You.

The adorableness begins right in the very first scene. A shy keyboardist happens upon a singer with a guitar busking on the street, and let’s just say it’s love at first sight. Seriously. Actor Lee Sang’s face positively lights up in a way that made my heart swell, and he retains a doe-eyed puppy love expression for the rest of the movie. It’s absolutely precious.

His character also happens to work for a record company, so of course he pitches his newfound love to his boss, leading them to work together, and eventually, live together. Because of course that’s the way the story goes. And yes, there are manufactured narrative conflicts, but overall, Wish You is about as sweet as pie. And I loved every second of it.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!